Friday, July 17, 2009

day 3 of dub nutrition products!

WOW! Is the best way to describe it!... You guys! I can't believe this product line! I called my good friend Hollie this morning just to talk about how amazing my workout was! After an hour and a half of abs, bis & tris I felt like I could have ran home from the gym! Hollie and I are 2 of a handful of people who get to try dub nutrition products before it's available. I feel so fortunate! But it's really hard to convince people because the product speaks for itself! It almost reminds me of that euphoric feeling I had when I was on the HCG diet. My head is clear & I have a lot of energy- which I also experienced on HCG... I just can't express enough how great the dub nutrition products are! I'm excited to get the energy drinks too! I can't imagine how much I'll get done then! LOL!

The best part about this feeling is NOT feeling anxious or jittery. I have tried products before that made me so uncomfortable. Like I was having a heart attack or a panic attack! But not dub nutrition products! There are no uncomfortable highs or exhausting crashes! I feel SO MOTIVATED! That's the best way to describe how I feel on dub!

I have been spending some time researching all the ingredients in dub fat burner, muscle & youth in hopes of better understanding what I am putting in my body. I have found that the ingredients in dub nutrtion products are all natural and safe! Some of them are products I have been using for years and others are things I've never heard of. But it seems to be the combination of everything that gives you such a great results!

I couldn't be happier about my decision to try the dub nutrition line!~ (I'm trying to convince my husband to do it too! He's the eternal skeptic but I think he's going to give it a shot! He's probably sick of how great I feel & how crappy he feels!)

Do yourself a favor- and look into it!

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