Sunday, July 19, 2009

dub nutrition... I have found a flaw...

There is one thing that I don't like about dub nutrition. It's that I have turned into one of those really annoying people that want to talk about all the products to anyone who will listen. That obnoxious friend that stops you in the grocery store to tell you how fantastic I feel! I've started to annoy MYSELF! (not to mention my husband!)
Last night we had some friends over for dinner. After about an hour our friend Scott looked at me funny and says "What has gotten into you!?"... To which I reply- "what!?" He then tells me that he's never seen me in such a good mood or with so much energy! I had promised myself I wasn't going to bring up dub nutrition because I really didn't want my friends feeling like I was selling them something and I really didn't want my husband rolling his eyes at me. But after Scott brought it up my husband actually went on and on about how much happier I seem and how I'm running around all day like a (and I quote) "chicken with it's head cut off!"... I guess that a compliment? After our friends left (after 10pm) I had to clean up after 4 adults and 7 rambunctious kiddies. I was up until midnight, mopping floors, starting laundry, doing dishes etc... I felt great. I wasn't exhausted like I always am. In the past I would have gone to bed and left it for the morning. I laid down about 12:30 and feel asleep within 5 minutes... and slept like a lump on a log! zzzzzzzzzz....

I didn't know that "mood enhancement" would be a potential side effect from the dub nutrition line but hell- I'm not complaining! I had been SO MOODY after the birth of my baby daughter a year ago that I actually discussed anti-depressants with my doctor but I don't think for a second I'll need them now~!

But now I have to be that annoying person who corners you in a party and wants to tell you about her new find!... So I'm pre-apologizing to all my friends and family because like it or not, you're gonna get an earful!
I am now feeling bad though that I was such a b!tch before! :o

Friday, July 17, 2009

day 3 of dub nutrition products!

WOW! Is the best way to describe it!... You guys! I can't believe this product line! I called my good friend Hollie this morning just to talk about how amazing my workout was! After an hour and a half of abs, bis & tris I felt like I could have ran home from the gym! Hollie and I are 2 of a handful of people who get to try dub nutrition products before it's available. I feel so fortunate! But it's really hard to convince people because the product speaks for itself! It almost reminds me of that euphoric feeling I had when I was on the HCG diet. My head is clear & I have a lot of energy- which I also experienced on HCG... I just can't express enough how great the dub nutrition products are! I'm excited to get the energy drinks too! I can't imagine how much I'll get done then! LOL!

The best part about this feeling is NOT feeling anxious or jittery. I have tried products before that made me so uncomfortable. Like I was having a heart attack or a panic attack! But not dub nutrition products! There are no uncomfortable highs or exhausting crashes! I feel SO MOTIVATED! That's the best way to describe how I feel on dub!

I have been spending some time researching all the ingredients in dub fat burner, muscle & youth in hopes of better understanding what I am putting in my body. I have found that the ingredients in dub nutrtion products are all natural and safe! Some of them are products I have been using for years and others are things I've never heard of. But it seems to be the combination of everything that gives you such a great results!

I couldn't be happier about my decision to try the dub nutrition line!~ (I'm trying to convince my husband to do it too! He's the eternal skeptic but I think he's going to give it a shot! He's probably sick of how great I feel & how crappy he feels!)

Do yourself a favor- and look into it!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

dub nutrition? Sure, I'll try it!!!


The dub nutrition products will be available August 1st. There is a public launch TONIGHT in SLC!
Opportunity Meeting - Utah
Located: Larry H Miller Campus MFEC Building Auditorium Room #101 Address: 9750 S 300 W Sandy, Ut Time: 7-10pm

I am fortunate enough to be one of the first "users" of the dub nutrition products. I got my dub products last night! I used the "fat burner" & "muscle" this morning before my workout and I felt great! I wasn't shaky or jittery AT ALL! And as crazy as it sounds I felt like I was finally getting enough oxygen during my run! I didn't have to stop at all, I didn't get a side ache (like I always do!) and I ran to the gym in record time... I was convinced it was all in my head and was actually laughing towards the end of my run because I felt really good instead of felling like I was ready to be done! (I know, I know, it sounds CRAZY!)

So we will see how it all pans out... I have nothing but trust and confidence in Jeremy's(dub nutrition's founder) knowledge of fitness & nutrition. He's lost over 100 lbs and has competed (and won!) several body building competitions. He knows his stuff. He and his partners have completely customized these products & put a lot of hours & money into this passion. They were originally encouraged to "re-label" an existing product as it would have been much less expensive, but they wanted something different, original and effective!
They have also set up this company as an MLM which could mean if you are interested you could be part of the dub nutrition team too!
Feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns!